
Common options

Highchart views all share the same general options. If one of these options is not set by a class property or an instance property, it’ll use the default value (generally None)

  • title: The title of the graph
  • subtitle: will display a subtitle. May contain HTML tags (including links)
  • tooltip_point_format: formatting the tooltip over a data point using the Highchart appropriate format. (e.g.: "{} produced <b>{point.y:,.0f}</b><br/>warheads in {point.x}")
  • plot_options (defaults to {}): this dictionary will be directly converted into a JSON object and assigned to the data.plotOptions property on the client-side (it was too difficult to cover all the cases implied by this dictionary.)

Basic usage

Overriding options

Any option (or parameter) is a property, but it can be easily replaced by a method if you need to generate it using code.


class BarView(HighChartsBarView):
    title = 'My new (static) title'

class BarViewAgain(HighChartsBarView):
    def title(self):
        return 'My stats for %s' %

Available views


from highcharts.views import HighChartsBarView

Extra options

  • categories (defaults to []): should return a list of string,
  • y_axis_title (defaults to ""): the title of the Y axis.


from highcharts.views import HighChartsStackedView

Extra options

Since it’s a variant of the HighChartsBarView, it supports the same options.


from highcharts.views import HighChartsLineView

Extra options

  • categories (defaults to []): should return a list of string,
  • y_axis_title (defaults to ""): the title of the Y axis.


from highcharts.views import HighChartsAreaView

Extra options

No extra options for the Area View (yet).